Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Backroom Treasures From A Stone Cottage Studio

Over the past few days, my mailbox has been bursting with ACEOs arriving from my recent Mini ACEO Bounty win and I am having a most wonderful time featuring these cards (and the fabulous Artists who created them) here on my blog!

The two cards I am featuring today come from Judy in Jonesborough, Tennessee. Judy is the curator of two shops on Etsy, Backroom Treasures and Stone Cottage Studio.

Autumn Pumpkins by backroomtreasuresThe first card shown here is titled, "Autumn Pumpkins," and it comes from Judy's shop, Backroom Treasures. I was delighted to receive this piece because Autumn is my favorite time of year and I really feel that these pumpkins capture the feeling of the season very well!

Let's Paint by StoneCottageStudioI was also lucky enough receive this ACEO, titled, "Let's Paint," from Judy's other Etsy shop, Stone Cottage Studio. I think this piece is just too cute! This girl's going to be my new little creative motivator! Who could say no to eyes like that?!?! Surely not me!!

Judy has been painting for about 15 years and, according to her Stone Cottage Studio Profile, she is an acrylic artist who sometimes dabbles in watercolors and oils. She even creates colored pencil drawings on occasion. In addition, Judy is a member of the Watauga Valley Art League and her local chapter of the National Association of Decorative Artists in Kingsport, Tennessee as well.

Judy donates 100% of the sales from her Autism Prints along with 10% of the sales from most of her other items to the Autism Society of America. She also donates to the Etsy for Animals 'Charity of the Month' from the sales of her cat and dog items.

To learn more about Judy, her art and her life, be sure to check out her blog at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice blog and I appreciate the very nice bit about backroomtreasures & stonecottagestudio!:D You have inspired me to update my own blog! Thanks for the plug & I'm so glad you like your aceos! Congratulations once again on your bounty win!
