Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dream A Little Pushpin Dream

"Dreams permit each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives."
-William Dement

The other day I was talking with some girlfriends about “dream themes” and the kind of events that we find occurring in our dreams on a semi-regular basis, as well as any particularly memorable or disturbing dreams we can recall having. Then, today, as I was reading from the blog of a most-excellent person, I came across an account of one of her own recent disturbing dreams.

I have kept a dream journal on and off throughout my life and have therefore become quite adept at remembering the previous night’s dream(s) in detail. While there have been many dreams that have left me with not-the-best-of-feelings, the one I chose to share that day involved improperly managing a mouth full of pushpins…

The Pushpin Dream

I’m sitting over at someone’s house that I have not been in before. My mom is there sitting on the edge of a bed in the living room and I can see into a kitchen and some other room to the left of the kitchen.

I, my mother, my step-dad (maybe), and some girl I didn’t really care for were discussing pills I had to take once because my feet had been red, swollen and itchy (in the dream, not in real life). The girl was very annoying, thinking she knew what pills I had to take.

Somehow or another, I ended up in the bedroom, partly in a closet with a mouthful of brightly colored plastic pushpins. I was carefully trying to spit them out onto the closet shelf without cutting the inside of my mouth or swallowing any of them.

As I was spitting out the last bit, one of the pushpins fell back into my throat. I tried to cough it up, but it turned/shifted and I knew it would scratch me if I coughed anymore, so I swallowed it.

It went down fine and did not feel as if it had scratched anything, but I was worried just the same. I called the hospital and they told me to come to the Emergency Room right away. I walked out into the living room and was very surprised at how calmly I told my mom that we needed to go to the Emergency Room right away and that I had swallowed a pushpin.

Then I was in the parking lot of the hospital, alone in a black car that belonged to the girl I did not care for. It was raining a little bit and I purposely parked the car very far away from the hospital doors so 1) she would have to walk a long ways in the rain to get to her car, and 2) she would have a hard time finding the car in the first place. I don’t even think I parked it in a real parking space and I’d hoped she’d get a ticket for it.

I got out of the car and could not figure out how to securely lock the door. There was a knob you could turn near the outside handle on the door, but just as easy as you could lock it that way, so too could you unlock it. I left the car with the appearance of it being locked and truly did not care much about it one way or another.

As I walked into the Emergency Room, I saw that everyone else had beaten me there. Mom was sitting on the counter and there were others there as well.

I remember throwing up blood by the vending machine… and that was it.

Sleep Well...

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